We can help you prevent losses caused by software failure



Web testing

Project manager



Test analyst


Test Specialist

Martin is the father of this still small company. Having spent years collecting experience in software testing, he nurtured the idea of how to do the job differently - better. As a sportsman, he likes to follow the job to the end and as a motorbiker, he pays attention to detail. And then he transfers it all to his work. He seeks to create a team of people who do their job with real pleasure.



IT security

Aeroplane model enthusiast


Test automation


Automation Bro

Peca is not only a technical guru. He always tries to find, discuss and sovle all weaknesses in the handled issue. He does not deal with details like Martin, but he likes to find conceptual solutions. Then he can spend hours in fierce discussion with Martin over each project, thus helping us finish our work to the smallest deatil. As long as you pour enough quality coffee into him, he performs excellently.


Chocolate lover


Happiness manager

Human resources



Happiness Lady

Veru is full of life, with the true "chi gung" energy which is so needed in our company. She does not fear challenges, she dives into everything headlong. She can be cheeky, but who isn't in our company. She looks after us very well. She plays with Marty and serves us coffee and other delicacies. Veru is simply a person who always makes our work better still. And what a chick she is!

Sweet tooth


Team player

Hard working




Company mascot

The blue squirrel appeared in our company on somewhat like a twig. This team member has become the children's darling at NEO CUP. When he is not stealing his colleagues' nuts, he looks after our Facebook profile, where, in his words, he does "irreplaceable work". His hobby is teasing everybody and everything around him. Just look at him, isn't he adorable?

Objectives & philosophy

We aim to become a centre of excellence in testing and provide our clients with test services at the highest possible level.

Martin Malaník, Test Specialist, SMARTEN DEFT

Our philosophy
Martin Malaník, Test Specialist, SMARTEN DEFT

What people say about us

  • Jaromír Kohlíček

    Práce je rázem příjemnější, když víte, že se můžete spolehnout na vašeho obchodního partnera. Když víte, že váš software není pouze otestován, ale kdy se můžete plně spolehnout na výsledky z test reportu a víte, že vše funguje, jak má.

    Jaromír Kohlíček,


    Wish-Platform s.r.o.

  • Andrea Floh

    Testing is not just about checking the software after its implementation. Martin knows that and was involved in the whole implementation cycle. He asked the right question in the specification phase and thereby prevented mistakes upfront.

    Andrea Floh,

    IT Developer,

    ING-DiBa Austria

  • Ing. Peter TANUŠKA

    Spolupráca bola bezproblémová, dohodnuté termíny vždy dodržané, pomoc zo strany SMARTEN DEFT vysoko kvalifikovaná bez nutnosti dodatočnej komunikácie. Spoločnosť by som určite doporučil každému, kto potrebuje vytvoriť kvalitný software.

    Ing. Peter TANUŠKA,


    GALN, s.r.o.

  • Dušan Hanzeľ

    Školení pro testery od Martina bylo pro mně výbornou přípravou pro testování webových aplikací. Široký rozsah a dobré příklady bylo to, co jsem potřeboval a k čemu jsem se ještě několik měsíců vracel při své práci. Děkuji.

    Dušan Hanzeľ,

    SW Tester,

    Huisman Konstrukce, s.r.o.

  • David Janota

    S Martinem jsme spolupracovali při realizaci školení a vše bylo naprosto perfektní, od komunikace přes prezentační schopnosti až po praktické zkušenosti. Martin je jednoznačně špičkový profesionál, na kterého se lze spolehnout.

    David Janota,

    QA director,

    CN Group CZ s.r.o.

Do you need to test your software?

Look at the way we carry out testing

We are highly qualified specialists

We constantly educate ourselves and increase our qualification

  • ISTQB Test Manager

  • ISTQB Agile Extension

  • SmartBear TestComplete

  • Automation Engineer

  • ISTQB Foundation Level


We want to return part of what we have gained to society. Therefore, we have decided to support a charity project. We had just one requirement - it had to be a project which helps people with problems that simply happened without any chance of them influencing it.

In 2016, we chose a local project called NEO CUP, which helps children born premature and their parents. Be sure to visit their official website at www.neocup.cz for more information.

It was no different in 2017 when we entered the tournament with a team composed of colleagues and friends. Our Marty could not be missing. He is the darling of all the children at the event.

Although we did not win the tournament, it was again an amazing experience full of emotions and we are happy to have helped a good cause with our participation again.

For more information, visit www.neocup.cz

From the life of SMARTEN DEFT

We are always looking for great people

We like a friendly atmosphere and peaceful work environment

  • Flexitime

  • Emphasis on support for education

  • Home office possible

  • Comfortable parking and air-conditioned offices

  • Great boss

Would you like to work for us? Write to us at
